Mary Aizebeomo Rogers


God Uses

The Woman God Uses

The Book

When I say the woman God uses, I am referring to every woman in every domain of life that has allowed God to use her in any capacity. I am referring to the woman who has yielded her life to God and is allowing Him, to reach out to others through her. 

Every day, The Almighty God uses women irrespective of their age, profession, race, education, marital status, and social background to fulfil His divine purpose. God used fallen women like Rahab to hide and protect His servants from death. Who, in return received protection for her entire family thereafter. Possessed women like Mary Magdalene received deliverance and ministered to Jesus and His disciples. Humble women like the slave girl in Naaman’s household became instrumental to introducing the God of Israel to her masters. An encounter that ultimately led to the healing of Naaman’s leprosy and the salvation of his entire family. God used royal women like Queen Esther to bring about great deliverance to His people, Israel.

As you ponder over the pages of this book, I encourage you to open your heart to receive from the Lord. Allow Him to minister to you and grant you a deeper understanding and revelation of your relevance in His kingdom. I pray that your vision be broadened, your strength multiplied, and your zeal inspired to walk in the path of your calling. I also pray this book will inspire you to take up new responsibilities for the advancement of the kingdom of God. Our Lord and Master, who has called you, will empower you to fulfil His purpose in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

You cannot pick up a challenge when you are afraid of failure. A failure is not one who tries and fails, he is one who fails to try.

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You cannot be silent at the time of fulfilling your purpose because you don’t know if another chance will be given to you…. God can get His work done with or without you. However, He invites you to get involved so you can make use of the abilities He placed inside of you at creation.

“I must work” denotes a personal decision the woman God uses makes. Nobody has to beg or force her to work for God. She wakes up every morning with a defined understanding of her divine responsibilities. She does her work with an attitude of urgency knowing that the time is short.

The Woman God Uses book

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